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for glass syringe 1 ml long standard

Jeringa de cristal 1ml long estándar para medicamentos pre-llenados e inyectables ready-to-use.




Adolecerte arremangándose para recibir una inyección con una jeringa segura de retracción automática. Dispositivo para la retracción automática de jeringa que reduce los accidentes con aguja. Recuadro Turqueza
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for glass syringe 1 ml long standard

Jeringa de cristal 1ml long estándar para medicamentos pre-llenados e inyectables ready-to-use.




Adolecerte arremangándose para recibir una inyección con una jeringa segura de retracción automática. Jlock Recuadro Turqueza

Safety needle device.

Avoid sharp injury.

With anti-needle stick technology, the syringe retracts automatically when the dose is fully delivered.

At your injection pace, ergonomics and an end-of-dose indicator give you steady control before safe disposal.

A tip-up auto-disable syringe being hold by one hand. The other place its index finger against the activated safety needle shield.

Uni-dose. Single-use.


1 ml long pre-filled syringe


From .02 a 1 ml


uncap > inject > release

A blue retractable auto-shielding syringe device it's placed needle-down.
Usage examples
Medicines: Ready-to-use.

Break into the ready-to-use injectables market:

enoxaparin, heparin, glatiramer, etanercept, filgrastim, adalimumab, erythropoietin.


1 clic implementation, less than 1 dollar

Revamp your injectable and profit margins with JLock. Give value for money and improve the price-quality ratio.

Needle Safety Device one-step assembly drawing
Insert it, ready
get it pre-assembled
Patient instructions for use drawing
Quick implementation
update instructions (IFU) and PI
1 usd coin drawing
pay - than $1usd
per Jlock.

We care for you

Needle protection aligned to Needlestick Prevention Act, NIOSH, and OSHA guidelines

Branding and cost-saving

Pick a color identity drug and imprint your logo.

The plunger has ergonomic and safety features. Replace yours and take that cost off.

Two stand-alone syringe components: a plunger and finger flanges with embedded logotype.

1 device for a product family

One safety syringe add on, all filling volumes.

From 0.2 ml to 1 ml.

A set of needle safety devices in 3 different drug filling volumes.

WHO & World Safe Injection Policy

Global policy is taking steps to enforce re use prevention syringes with auto disable features (US, UK, CAN, BRA, and 16 more countries).

Be ready!

Europe Union, United States of America and Brazil flags.

your equivalent

A new and uncapped glass syringe within a passive safety device placed on a flat surface.

You care for their well-being

Reduce HBV, HBC, HIV risk transmission now.

From hospital nursing and doctors to family home-care, one health shield.

No recap & risk-free disposal

No liquid splatter, no training required. Automatic needle isolation that remains for guarded disposal.

Glass syringe retracted inside a needle guard device for safety use and disposal.

Confidence and reliability in hands

For a wide array of users, skills, hands and dexterity.

We enlarged those tiny syringe flangers x 3.5

Finger flange size comparative between a glass syringe and it’s Needle Safety Device

wider finger rod custom color &
imprinted logo
ergonomic flange
Automated retraction
& encasement
(passive technology)
Tactile end of
dose feedback
full medicine visibility
syringe cap slot custom color &
imprinted logo
ergonomic flange
Automated retraction
& encasement
(passive technology)
Tactile end of
dose feedback
full medicine visibility

work together

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